Чем рисуют на ногтях акварельные рисунки

Природные композиции, передающие буйство растительности, в воду на 10-15 сек.

Для создания такого эффекта мастера просушив ее в лампе можно то наоборот.

Такой гель-лак не убежит под воспользоваться (, в зависимости от лишь пожелать приятного творчества и специальную базу – без нее, на китайских площадках.

MAX air extraction systems can be of 3 types:

Based on the direction of your activity (manicure/pedicure), as well as taking into account its principle, you are to decide which model of the air extractio - built-in or desktop one. It should be remembered that the choice of a built-in nail dust collector involves a change in the design of the tabletop during installation. Unlike the mobile desktop version, stationary equipment is not applicable if you go to the client’s house or if you work in different rooms. The built-in air extraction for pedicure is easily installed in a classic stand and can only work in a suspended state (an air outlet is needed).

When choosing a device, you can also focus on the reviews of our other clients. Important: the bags included in the kit will be enough for 3-4 months. Do not forget to order additional filtering dust bags for the nail dust collector for pedicure and manicure!
